Compare NaiveDateTimes by a specific unit
In Elixir, you can get the difference between two NaiveDateTimes using the NaiveDateTime.diff/3
The third arg allows you to pass a unit such as :microsecond
, :millisecond
, or any unit returned from System.time_unit. By default, the unit is set to :second
NaiveDateTime.diff(~N[2014-10-02 00:29:18], ~N[2014-10-02 00:29:10])
#=> 8
NaiveDateTime.diff(~N[2014-10-04 00:29:18], ~N[2014-10-02 00:29:10], :day)
#=> 2
Interestingly enough :day works as a unit, but not :month, or :year. 🤔