convice typescript your literally in the union
We want to pass a string prop that is defined as a union.
function Alert({
}: {
level: "info" | "warn";
children: ReactNode;
}) {
const iconName = { info: "info", warn: "alert-triangle" }[level];
return (
<Feather name={iconName} />
and alert-triangle
are both in the union. Should be groovy, right?
❯ npx tsc
src/components/Alert.ts:666:69 - error TS2322: Type 'string' is not assignable to type '"key" | "type" | ... 267 more ... | undefined'.
Well shoot.
We need to convince typescript that this is no average string. Enter const assertions
const iconName = { info: "hashrocket" as const, warn: "alert-triangle" as const }[level];
And now we get a beautiful error:
❯ npx tsc
src/components/Alert.ts:666:69 - error TS2322: Type "hashrocket" | "alert-triangle" is not assignable to type '"key" | "type" | ... 267 more ... | undefined'.
Change the name back to "info"
and we get no errors, with good reason this time. 😎