Today I Learned

hashrocket A Hashrocket project

💅 styled-components limit prop names

💅 styled-components is one of my absolute favorite libraries! ❤️ I just have to be careful not use prop names for my components that could be interpreted as styles.

For example:

interface Props {
  position: "left-side" | "right-side";
  item: Item;

const ListItem= styled.View<{position: "left-side" | "right-side"}>(({position}) => ({
  backgroundColor: position === "left-side" ? "burlywood" : "skyblue";

const ListItemContainer: React.FC<Props> = ({position, item}) => {
  return (
    <ListItem position={position}>

<ListItemContainer item={item} position="left-side" />

This will return an error because in StyleSheet, position must be one of absolute or relative

See More #react TILs
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